Procedural Problem Generator

In an attempt to create wonderful procedural planets, this happened.


This is the first implementation of any sort of mesh generator, and so far, it works on the spherical model, and modifies it into a random shape by adding a random variation to each vertex. This causes problems, as one vertex may be assigned a positive value, and its neighbour a negative one, creating large spikes. Luckily, I do have a collider working, and it assigns the procedurally generated mesh to a Mesh Collider, and the collisions work, even when the procedural mesh is being modified.

That’s about it for now, stay tuned for more!

Dirty Snowball

Lots of cold things have been added to Planetverse recently, sadly not including ice cream. First, I added a new planet, Aela, and its smaller moon Aila.


Also, comets! These ice-filled rocks traverse the solar system, leaving ice and snow everywhere.

Comet1-14Feb2015 Comet2-14Feb2015

That’s it for now!

Icy Geysers

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, say HELLO! to Magna and Mana, the two newest additions to Planetverse!

Magna and Mana

Magna is the yellowish thing with rings, Mana is its tiny moon visible at the top. The rock at the bottom is an asteroid, they’ve been around for a bit.

You may notice Magna’s geyser, we haven’t been able to identify exactly what it spews, but we think it is water ice from Magna’s infinite, quantum supply of garbage being stored in an alternate dimension. Mana is a rock. That’s it (for now, expect more on Mana in the future). I am planning Magna to have a few more geysers, some faster, slower, erupting more often (currently, that geyser is constantly spewing ice)

That’s it for now, stay tuned for more!

Asteroids! Lots of Asteroids

Recently, I have been working on adding asteroids to Planetverse. A finite number are generated around the universe, and they have a very slight gravitational pull, just enough to land. Unlike the planets, though, the asteroids can be moved by hitting it hard enough or landing, flipping upside-down, and firing your engine. Their current mass is 100x the mass of the spaceship, so it takes a considerable amount of force to get them moving (or stop them, as the generation algorithm applies a random speed in a random direction).

AsteroidSurface 8/2/2015 AsteroidScene 8/2/2015

The first image is from the Landing camera, looking down from where the engine bell is. It is looking at the surface of an asteroid (and a sneak peek of the new skybox), and the landing legs are visible in the foreground.

The second image is an asteroid in Scene View, most are placed randomly, but this asteroid always stays in the same spot, in case you don’t want to have to find an asteroid.

That’s about it for now, stay tuned for more Planetverse!