Icy Geysers

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, say HELLO! to Magna and Mana, the two newest additions to Planetverse!

Magna and Mana

Magna is the yellowish thing with rings, Mana is its tiny moon visible at the top. The rock at the bottom is an asteroid, they’ve been around for a bit.

You may notice Magna’s geyser, we haven’t been able to identify exactly what it spews, but we think it is water ice from Magna’s infinite, quantum supply of garbage being stored in an alternate dimension. Mana is a rock. That’s it (for now, expect more on Mana in the future). I am planning Magna to have a few more geysers, some faster, slower, erupting more often (currently, that geyser is constantly spewing ice)

That’s it for now, stay tuned for more!

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